Aminoach Medic

Aminoach Medic

Aminoach Medic

Aminoach Medic


Aminoach Medic of the Aminoach Group is a company that offers the highest level of nursing equipment and accessories for the handicapped. We can find a variety of products such as adjustable beds, relief beds, electric armchairs, mattresses for the prevention of pressure sores and more.

אזור התעשיה, בניין , 12 ניר צבי
ימים א-ה 9:00 – 16:30
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V200 Mattress for prevention and treatment of pressure wounds
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Aminoach Medic
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Aminoach Medic
V100 Mattress for prevention and treatment of pressure wounds
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Aminoach Medic
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Aminoach Medic
Top limb support for wheelchairs
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Aminoach Medic
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Aminoach Medic
Top limb support lying down
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Aminoach Medic
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Aminoach Medic
Body support to 30 °
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A silent hydraulic nurse’s Table
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Aminoach Medic
Two-usability Pillow set
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Aminoach Medic
Backrest Vioko Elastic
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Aminoach Medic
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Aminoach Medic
“ORL” Rail for adjustable bed
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Aminoach Medic
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Aminoach Medic
Presence Crane
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Aminoach Medic
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Aminoach Medic
Journey Crane
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Aminoach Medic
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Aminoach Medic
Advance Crane
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Aminoach Medic
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Aminoach Medic
Medial Bed
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Aminoach Medic
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Aminoach Medic
A bed of the E-Z-EXIT
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Aminoach Medic
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Aminoach Medic
Molulia Plus Bed
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Aminoach Medic
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Aminoach Medic
Bed Nursing FORZA
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Aminoach Medic
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Aminoach Medic
Nursing Bed Nicole
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Aminoach Medic
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Aminoach Medic
Nursing Akbia Bed
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Aminoach Medic
Nursing Impulse Bed
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Aminoach Medic
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Aminoach Medic
Carolina Adjustable Bed
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Aminoach Medic
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Aminoach Medic