Interactive activity Position

SKU: 22150
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A computer is integrated with a tablet with various game applications and games adapted to the elderly who developed the Milbat Association. The position is accessible to the use of the occupants regardless of the staff of the practitioner; It’s built as a sloping table, comfortable height for wheelchair people and games.
Which constitute an inseparable part of it and is always available for the use of the occupants.
You can play games independently or share other tenants or family members – up to four people can play at different games simultaneously!
The large tablet that is embedded in it allows you to run an endless variety of game apps to practice diverse skills such as writing, reading,
Solving problems, sorting, adjusting, link between cause and effect, as well as thinking games for planning moves and movement and for exercising the lips together with practice
Of traffic ranges, subtle moorica and more.
The price varies according to customer’s needs.

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Milbat-Giving quality To Life
<a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">Milbat</span></a> <span style="font-weight: 400;"> is a non-profit...
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